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O2Q112-800G-ACC is a passive copper cable with integrated equalizer circuit. It can extend the length up to 4 meters and 5 meters while maintaining low latency and low power consumption of 1.5W and 0.6W respectively."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are the main application scenarios of O2Q112-800G-DAC cable?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It is mainly used for switches with OSFP ports. And branch ends connected to network cards with 400G QSFP112 ports."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can the O2Q112-800G-ACC cable be used for 400G network cards with OSFP ports?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No, QSFP112 and OSFP are two different form-factors with inconsistent sizes, and they cannot be used together."}}]}
Item Spotlights
Cisco Compatible 4m (13ft) 800G Twin-port OSFP Finned Top to 2x400Gb/s QSFP112 Flat Top Breakout Active Copper Cable
NADDOD O2Q112-800G-AC4 is an 800Gb/s Twin-port OSFP (Octal Small Form-factor Pluggable) Finned Top to 2x 400Gb/s QSFP112 (Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable 112G) Flat Top Active Copper Copper (ACC) dual breakout (aka splitter) cable for Ethernet networking. The switch end OSFP has a finned top for additional cooling and the QSFP112 adapter end is flat topped and uses riding heat sinks on the OSFP cage. The ACC contains eight high-speed electrical copper pairs, each operating at data rates of up to 100Gb/s using 100G-PAM4 modulation. The “active” term refers to the passive copper cable with an equalizer integrated circuit to extend the length to 4 and 5-meters.
NADDOD modules, AOCs, and DACs are professionally tested and fully compatible with the latest mainstream devices of Arista 7060X6 series data center switches, NVIDIA Spectrum-4 SN5000 series, Cisco Nexus 9300-GX2 series and Broadcom NIC BCM957608 series, which guarantees unmatched interoperability, high reliability and seamless operation in complex RoCE applications.
In the RS-FEC(544,514) test, NADDOD products achieve pre-FEC BER of -9~-11, and near-zero post-FEC BER, which can meet the strict requirements for high performance and stable networking connection.