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O2Q112-800G-ACC is a passive copper cable with integrated equalizer circuit. It can extend the length up to 4 meters and 5 meters while maintaining low latency and low power consumption of 1.5W and 0.6W respectively."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are the main application scenarios of O2Q112-800G-DAC cable?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It is mainly used for switches with OSFP ports. And the branch end connected to a 400G QSFP112 port of either ConnextX-7 network card or BlueFIeld-3 DPU."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can the O2Q112-800G-ACC cable be used for 400G network cards with OSFP ports?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No, QSFP112 and OSFP are two different form-factors with inconsistent sizes, and they cannot be used together."}}]}
Item Spotlights
NVIDIA/Mellanox MCP7Y10-N003 Compatible 3m (10ft) Twin-port 2x400Gb/s OSFP Finned Top to 2x400Gb/s QSFP112 Flat Top Passive Copper Splitter Cable
NADDOD O2Q112-800G-CU3 is an 800Gb/s Twin-port OSFP (Octal Small Form-factor Pluggable) Finned Top to 2x400Gb/s QSFP112 (Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable 112G) Flat Top passive Direct Attach Copper (DAC) dual breakout (aka splitter) cable for 400Gb/s End-to-End Ethernet solutions. The 8-channel Twin port OSFP end uses a finned top form-factor for use in OSFP switch cages. The two 400G ends support 4-channels of 100G-PAM4 (400G) and use a flat top QSFP112 for use in ConnectX-7 adapters and BlueField-3 DPUs using riding heat sinks on the connector cage. DAC cables are the lowest-cost, lowest-latency, near zero power consuming high-speed links available due to their simplicity of design and minimal components.
NADDOD modules, AOCs, and DACs are professionally tested and fully compatible with the latest mainstream devices of Arista 7060X6 series data center switches, NVIDIA Spectrum-4 SN5000 series, Cisco Nexus 9300-GX2 series and Broadcom NIC BCM957608 series, which guarantees unmatched interoperability, high reliability and seamless operation in complex RoCE applications.
In the RS-FEC(544,514) test, NADDOD products achieve pre-FEC BER of -9~-11, and near-zero post-FEC BER, which can meet the strict requirements for high performance and stable networking connection.